Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tools of my Trade

Today, I need to organize the kitchen...again. It feels like I just did this a few months ago and I probably did. It seems the organizing, rearranging and downsizing never ends. The kitchen is one of the worst places as it houses the tools of my trade.

It seems that there is always something missing from my cooking arsenal. I recently asked for an electric griddle so I could make more than one pancake or one grilled cheese at a time. What I have is simple and functional. As inexpensive as I can get and still be quality. I don't use fancy platters or serving trays. I don't have any cake stands. Though I do have a cake carrier (actually, I have two...). The items I have are more for creating than displaying. With seven people to feed, I have a lot of creating to do on a daily basis. Add into that the things I make from scratch and my tools overreach their cabinet confinement.

Now, I have the added task of figuring out what to take with us up to the shabin for when we stay overnight. I'm going to be pulling things out of what I already have to leave up there. I'm starting out with two boxes; one for shabin, one for donations. Ideally, I want to get away from using plastic storage containers and kid sized stuff in our main house. It takes up a lot of room and has little value, though there are pieces I need to hold onto for a while more.

I can't sit in the kitchen all day long sorting out every piece of everything I own so today will be a quick once over to get the basics, start creating my list of what we don't have for the shabin and hopefully organizing things a bit so what I do keep will be easier to access.

I'm sure Max will help.

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