Monday, January 25, 2010

My Muse is Singing

Yesterday I pulled up Scrivener on my Mac emulator (don't ask me any more technical things about it, that is all the smart I know) after a quick 13 minute tutorial on Literature & Latte. As a reward for finishing NaNoWriMo, I was able to download it for half price. Woot!

Wow. What a fine piece of software. I spent a little bit outlining a new story and writing a tad on the first chapter. I can see me really getting into writing this way. It is just so much easier than trying to tackle a 50k document in one chunk. Why don't they have this for Windows?

I'm at an impasse right now with the new story. It can go any way. I can currently easily change a species to align with two different stories, thus making this new story the first in a series. I'm not sure. I haven't figured it out. Maybe if I write a little more the characters will tell me what species they are. Sometimes writing just works that way. You think the ones doing the writing are in control. They're not.

I also subscribe to a few sewing bloggers* and have been lusting craftily over some of the projects I see going on. It's making me want to take out the bags of projects I have waiting and get down to serious business. I even went so far as ordered a few import supplies to make some things for the new Etsy store. The chair recovering paired with the fabric porn is making me desire some quality time with my Babylock.

That's good. I need that creative outlet. I get cranky -just ask Rob- otherwise.

It would seem that I'm also hearing the Muse that was singing to the kids the other day. That's just fine. Bring it on, maybe I can get something accomplished.

*Kitschy Coo and Trina's Doings are the ones responsible for my renewed obsession

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