Saturday, August 15, 2009

Blog and Product props - Home-N-Stead

There have been a few blogs out there that really just grab my attention and nestled in with those are the great family over at Home-N-Stead. I found them while searching for homesteading links. They're a great big large family which I just adore.

They have some really cool kids. Nine homeschooled kids produced, edited and starred in their own DVD's. The trailer alone is enough to entice you to order. What wit and imagination! Dedicaiton and devotion! I'm waiting with baited breath for Indiana John to come out. It's really an inspiration to me and my kids that a little cooperation and hard work can make something so
fun. Speaking of cooperation, I'm also enlightened that this bunch work so well together, especially in a society that seems so eager to accept family seperation as the norm.

Heading over to the Home-N-Stead store I want to share my experience with their wonderful probiotic soap. This hand crafted soap has earned it's own permanent spot on our shelves. It rinses clean, is great for body and hair and lots of other practical uses. Cordelia, whom suffers from ecsema, has been able to use this soap exclusively with out any outbreaks! That in iteself is note worthy. I love being able to support other large families where and when I can, especially with things made from their hearts and hands.
Here's Emmy all Home-N-Stead soaped up

Their blog has a lot of great information on homesteading. The part of having the husband work at home for their home particularly got me and this is now a desire of mine. With our year long separation from Rob, I don't want to give his best part away anymore. Hopefully, within 5 or less years, we'll be able to fufill this dream. There's also really great information on building a home. These guys built from the ground up and all in the family had a hand. Total inspiration.

The forum is a great place to ask questions to many other like minded families. They have a great positive and supporting attitude. Overall, Home-N-Stead has a little bit for everyone. I hope you discover them and enjoy them as much as I have.

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